
Showing posts from April, 2020

Femtosecond Laser Micromachine: What You Haven’t Noticed

Laser micromachining   is an expanding market for laser sources, both displacing non-laser processes and opening new applications. Femtosecond laser micromachining was demonstrated for the first time in 1994 when a femtosecond laser was utilized to create micrometer-sized features on silica and silver substrates. The future development trend indicates the continued use of femtosecond laser micromachining together with techniques such as fusion splicing flame.  Laser micromachining techniques have revolutionized the production of microelectronics semiconductor photovoltaics led. And also, the manufacture of medical equipment and many other industries.  The laser pulses used normally are core wavelength of pulse duration and frequency.   Micromachining   of the surface of an implant that has been studied to improve bone structure in dental implants is one of the femtosecond laser applications. Laser systems have pulses longer than one ns.   Met...

How Picosecond Laser Micromachining is Vital for Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Drilling

The movement in the development of the Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) towards smaller features at high densities is necessary to serve the fast-growing demand for high-tech consumer goods. This includes new laser processing technology using PCB drilling machines. PCB drilling systems are a modern generation of drilling machines that use a high-power picosecond laser to create high-quality and higher throughput processing of blind holes in PC-Boards. How the system functions The PCB drill system uses a short delay pulse with a high power level to rapidly provide energy to the substrate, allowing the material to melt and vaporize. The higher the pulse strength, the more material it is melted and vaporized. Vaporization can enable the amount of material in the drilled hole to rise rapidly, resulting in high pressure. This will allow the vapor pressure to force the molten material out of the cavity. Modern picosecond lasers enable the processing of a broad range of...

The Modern Rules of Femtosecond Laser Micromachining

Laser micromachine  is now a viable method of surface alteration and machining. Some recent developments in the advancement of femtosecond lasers are explored along with a brief overview of a variety of prominent emerging applications in industrial and medicine that support access to these sources: Using a broad range of wavelengths, waveforms, and pulse durations; For example, the average beam power at 343 nm with a mode lock is 4w at 25a, and the pulse duration at the oscillator output is 500 fs. Also, it can be extended to a variety of materials. Femtosecond lasers currently show much promise as potential sources of choice in a number of  laser micromachining applications . This includes biomedicine, photonics, and semiconductors. Femtosecond lasers are presently being considered for a growing range of micromachining applications with their potential to handle any substance with a minimum amount of heat-affected zones and haz. It is a maskless technology that...

A Few Quick Tips to Help You Find the Best Femtosecond Laser Micromachine Agency

Femtosecond laser micromachine technology femtofab is a key laser system designed for a particular industrial operation. With the capability to create micro features with high precision and repeatability, nearly in every substrate laser has been commonly used in micro-processing. Newer femtosecond laser machine choice addresses the growing working distance problem for micromachining and mold texture. Lasers have been an invaluable device for mold makers who have used the technology to produce detail and accuracy beyond the capability of conventional milling or EDM machines. The ultrashort pulse laser machining systems were developed to the use of micromachining femtosecond laser. Femtosecond micromachining was first presented in 1994 when a femtosecond laser was used to create micrometer-sized details on silica and silver surfaces. Femtosecond lasers have solved these problems, and high-quality micromachining is now possible in a variety of bulk metals. Femtosecond lasers emi...