What Are The Advantages Of Laser Micromachining For Dental Implants And Other Medical Devices
The modern method of laser micromachining is the process of using ultrafast lasers for cutting, drilling, welding, or making other material modifications to achieve features at the single or double-digit micrometer level. Compared to more conventional uses such as a hole and via drilling, the picosecond and femtosecond laser micromachining has progressed as a reliable method for precise manufacturing. For various industries, picosecond and femtosecond laser micromachining help in fine drilling & machining of hard metals and ceramics as well as soft plastic. It also helps shape various nano and microtextures for the improvement of surface functions and properties in products. Micromachining of dental implants Microtexturization of the layers of an implant tested to improve bone formation in dental implants is one of the many femtosecond lasers applications. The laser industry continues to deliver advanced laser solutions to today's processing problems. Each laser micromac...