How New-Age Femtosecond Laser Micromachining Assisting Various Industries
The new-age laser micromachining method is now a reliable surface alteration and machining process. Some recent advances in femtosecond laser micromachining are discussed, along with a brief overview of several prominent emerging industrial and medical applications that facilitate access to these sources. Using a broad range of wavelengths, waveforms, and pulse durations, the average beam power at 343 nm with a mode lock is 4w at 25a, and the pulse duration at the oscillator output is 500 fs. Also, it can be extended to a variety of materials. Femtosecond lasers currently show much promise as potential sources of choice in many laser micromachining applications. This includes biomedicine, photonics, and semiconductors. Femtosecond laser micromachining is presently being considered for a growing range of micromachining applications. Their potential to handle any substance with a minimum amount of heat-affected zones and haz is unmatched. It is a maskless technology th...