
Showing posts from February, 2020

Laser Drilling: Blind and Through-Going Drilling?

High speeds and high flexibility are the significant advantages of laser technology when it comes to blind and holes drilling. As with cutting, micro-drilling has two separate laser processes: fusion drilling with pulsed lasers and external gas support, and melt ejection caused by vaporization, such as with q-switched solid-state lasers. Choosing the laser beam’s proper wavelength and power density, for nearly all solid materials such as metals, semiconductors, plastics, ceramics, diamonds can be laser-drilled. Various Techniques for Laser Drilling For selective roughening of surfaces for gluing and coating processes, pulse drilling of blind holes at a depth of some microns is used. Single-pulse methods may be used for through holes in small workpiece thicknesses. For thicker materials, percussion drilling is the first option and can be accomplished by applying several laser pulses with the appropriate depth. A combined drilling-cutting method or the multi-pass method is used...

Laser Cutting Thin Metals With Single Mode Lasers?

A lower power system is required for laser cutting small parts accurately and with repeatability on thinner sheet metals. Otherwise, you are just using a sledgehammer to crack nuts and losing money for doing so. The use of a high-power laser machine on thin metals will cause many problems that a lower-powered machine might prevent. For example, a high-power laser is designed to cut thick metal, not thin, so it can become unstable by underperforming it. The running costs involved are not comparable with a low-powered system, either. Setting up costs can also be out of proportion to the work's value. Indeed using a high-power laser to cut small parts can double the production costs. At Laserod, we have developed a small part laser cutting solution for different types of metals. Our thin metal cutting and drilling system is a flatbed laser cutter optimized for cutting small parts in both prototype and industrial environments. Working on a variety of metals, from steel to titanium...

High-Quality Results with Picosecond laser Micromachining?

Picosecond lasers can potentially machine materials that suffer from negative thermal effects during nanosecond laser machining with much higher quality. When discussing materials processing, the term "ultrafast lasers" is thrown around a lot nowadays. It’s often used to describe picosecond and femtosecond lasers in applications. In picosecond lasers, the laser pulse length is shorter than the time taken for absorbed laser energy to diffuse into the substrate, i.e. typically 5 to 10 ps. Picosecond laser processing is growing in popularity because of the excellent cosmetic finish that can be obtained due to lower heating and reduced debris-related damage. And not to mention the enhanced coupling due to nonlinear intensity-dependent absorption, and the relative ease with which the machining result can be achieved. A micromachining picosecond laser can generate a minimum feature size of a width slightly smaller than one micrometer. But this occurs for thin coatings below a thic...

How can we understand about Laser Drilling process?

Laser drilling is only one of the various procedures that our Fiber Laser extension is intended for. A large number of the laser forms bear striking resemblances, and it can once in a while be hard to recognize them effortlessly. For instance, laser drilling and laser cutting are regularly utilized reciprocally. Beneath, we have investigated inside and out the procedure of laser drilling, how it happened, and exactly why this procedure is so helpful for different assembling ventures. One laser drilling machine is equipped for adjusting to a broad scope of assignments and circumstances, so it can make many openings of every unique shape and size across complex 3D structures of changing materials. While there are different laser penetrating procedures that various utilization degrees of pillar warmth or length, for example, trepan laser drilling or percussion laser drilling, they all work similarly. We are living during a time of development, and as individuals keep on improving, items...