An Easy but Complete Guide to Laser Marking Of Various Materials
Laser engraving or Laser marking is a process of creating surface contrast. It is achieved by using a range of different types of physical effects. However, it is something that will create your surface contrast by getting rid of a specific depth of material. Usually, the depth that is removed is anywhere from 0.005 to.02". Because so little of the thickness is removed, you will find that it is quite challenging. This is why you should always be entirely confident about the company that you work with. Laserod Technologies has decades of experience in customizing laser solutions for various needs.
Metal Materials
Stainless steel is always a good metal that you can laser-engrave on. When it comes to coated metals, look for metal plates made with metal that is very finely polished. It needs to be covered with enamel paint so that it can be burned off completely.
Natural Materials
There are only a handful of different natural materials that are used for Laser marking. Natural materials such as wood are some of the most common materials that people use for Laser marking. This was actually where it all began. It is essential that a laser watt no more than ten is used. You can also use fiberboard as well as hard papers. Finished leather can be laser engraved while fur cannot. You can also laser-engrave specific latex rubber compounds.
Plastic Materials
You can use a standard cast type of acrylic plastic. You can expect other types of cast resins to laser reasonably well. You will find that most that want this will go with a cast acrylic shape designed from the backside of the plastic. Should you use styrene or any #other type of thermoforming plastic, then expect them to end up melting around the edge of the spot that you engraved.
Femtosecond and Picosecond laser micromachining enables Laserod to achieve a variety of processes, such as cutting, drilling, and turning in almost any material. If you have difficult-to-machine materials, parts, and components, entrust them to the industry-leading laser micromachining company Laserod Technologies. Our domains of expertise include drilling small holes, cutting and precise drilling materials, laser marking, silicon wafer-coring or resizing, trimming circuits, ceramic, substrate-cutting, and viewing circuits. Call Laserod at 1-310-340-1343 / 1-888-991-9916 for projects and queries.
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