Benefits of Laser Micromachining Sapphire for LED Production

The increase in demand for LEDs used in various applications such as backlight displays for handheld devices, flat-panel televisions, automotive headlamps, and other general lighting applications has made LED manufacturers more enthusiastic in finding ways for more efficient production methods to address this trend.

Sapphire - most commonly used substrate.'

Sapphire is the most commonly used substrate material for several reasons. First, because it provides an excellent lattice match for the GaN, second, it is transparent to LED output. This property is critical since some of the light emitted by the LED partially passes through the edge of the sapphire substrate. And third, it helps in heat sinking the LEDs, as it is an excellent thermal conductor.

'Laser scribing - the advance method.'

Laser scribing - a new and more advanced method provides many advantages, addressing the challenges found in the traditional methods. Some of these are the following:

1. More efficient process flow at reduced prices. This is accomplished by a blend of narrow kerf width, high throughput, and broad process tolerance.

2. Yield between 97 and 99% with a wafer thickness up to 700 µm is achievable. This is because the cut depth can be adjusted-easily while maintaining the same kerf width.

3. The capacity to scribe both the front and back of the wafer prior fracturing-specifically beneficial for LEDs due to the need for uniform light emission.

4. Compared with the other techniques, laser scribing has a 5 to 20 times faster throughput, and this because the laser beam can be projected on the wafer surface as a long line or multiple lines, which are scribed simultaneously.

Precision is a passion for Laserod Technologies when it associates with laser micromachining. Be it Femtosecond or Picosecond laser micromachining. We are committed to producing outstanding micro-machining services to diverse sectors, such as microelectronics, touchscreen producers, aerospace, solar cells, medical, transducer sensors, and many more.

Our domains of expertise include drilling small holes, cutting and precise drilling materials, silicon wafer-coring or resizing, trimming circuits, ceramic, substrate-cutting, and viewing circuits. Call Laserod at 1-310-340-1343 / 1-888-991-9916 for projects and queries.
